It was in 1973, while Art was working for a paving company on a section of HWY 26 North of Loon Lake, that he discovered Pine Cove. Neils and Annie Knudson, the original owners, were an elderly couple renting boats and one room cabins. They were looking to sell the very rustic fishing boat and cabin rental business known then as Pine Cove Boats. Annie was also an artist who left us many beautiful paintings capturing the history of Pine Cove. One of her many works is displayed below.

We were at a very challenging point in our lives. Anne was busy at home in Saskatoon with our newborn son and one-year old daughter while Art was working on the road (literally) so much that the kids hardly knew him. We took a leap of faith and bought Pine Cove and began an exciting new lifestyle. It has been our home ever since. We lived the first few years in the original 320 square foot log home (with outdoor toilet) until we were able to save enough to build our current home. Anne was able to continue and enjoy her nursing career at the Loon Lake Hospital and Art carved out an excavating business alongside the new resort endeavor. We were blessed with another daughter in 1978.
Over the years we acquired more land around Pine Cove. It was always Art’s dream to have an inland Marina connected to the lake. In 2017 the “big dig” began and dreams of the 5 acre marina surrounded by beautiful lots and a boat launch became a reality.
Pine Cove has seen many changes; from the development of campsites, modern cabins and the marina to our children growing up at the lake developing a passion for waterskiing and a love for the outdoors in sunshine and snow. The kids now come back home to Pine Cove with their own families and history repeats itself with our six grandsons exploring the forested lake, sandy shores, Riel Rebellion historical sites and enjoying skiing, fishing, paddling, tubing and skating on the lake rink.
It has been a true family business! We have met many wonderful people over the years. Many of our customers have returned every year for more than 40 years for their vacations. We have watched their families grow up and return with their grandchildren as well.
We invite you to explore the Pine Cove Marina and the various lot options. Please consider joining the Pine Cove family!
Anne & Art Huys